
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 19th, 2024
Gems 37.5k + $8
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I can't play Book of Eclipse because of the Limit 3, and I can't play Forbidden Droplet because it doesn't work with Pendulums, so my "counter" to Lyrilusc is Kozmo Dark Lady. It's still not enough haha, but it was great against most other decks. You can't beat a "negate & destroy"!

Black Rose Moonlight Dragon put in a lot of work, so I was happy to get it. I'm completely underwhelmed by Giant Hand though, but I needed a defensive Rank 4 that wasn't just Abyss Dweller. Cairngorgon isn't as good since Blue-Eyes has become less popular.

Petition to Konami to remove the Limit 3 hits. C'mon man, it's been a year. We're as rogue as rogue can get!