
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 18th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Speedroids can compete just fine during an xyz meta, however the low consistency of the deck makes it pretty bad. Most of the time you will have to draw a 2.5 card combo to be able to do your plays, and this really sucks because all other meta decks' consistency is way better (mostly because we dont have access to a broken skill). That being said, Hagoita/Clear Wing+ Crystal Wing is a very solid endboard, that very few decks can play through without tech cards. Even if they manage to break your board, Hagoita and Puzzle give you good follow-up, and winning turn 3 isnt all that uncommon with this deck. Going second, you can usually play through 1-2 disruptions if you draw decent (car turbo and speed recovery both help a lot going second, but they could be cut for more copies of book of eclipse if you really hate those birds).

Clear Wing Rider is a very nice addition to the deck, letting us recycle our resources and, most importantly, roll that dice that somehows always lands on 1 when your opponent has a full board.

All in all, this deck would shine if we were to get either a better skill that boosts our consistency, cards like speedroid scratch and a good second target for Clear Wing Rider (Fast Dragon). I'm sure releasing a speedroid card in a special set means that support is just around the corner and wasnt just a move to boost windwitch sales, right Konami?

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