Time Thief

KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 17th, 2024
Gems 47k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck goes hard. One common mistake I see with it is sticking to 20 cards. This deck is very consistent at higher numbers and, even with 24 cards, I found myself drawing too much engine. For the ED, Arc Rebellion package is honestly a must, it will win many games on it's own. Every other card in my ED is summoned often, with the exception of perpetua and cairngorgon. Perpetua is a card that is a must in the deck however, adds a lot of versatility, can revived Redoer, and I should have used it more often against certain decks. Cairngorgon rarely ever comes up, and you can replace it with more meta relavent cards like Full Armored Utopic Ray Lancer (for lyrilusc).

The non engine in this deck is lance, veiler, and eclipse. Lance is really good because we can die to a lot of interruption going second but also are susceptible to board breakers like eclipse or dark hole going when going first. Veiler is a genrically good card that has won me plenty of games. Finally, eclipse is a meta call against lyrilusc but is also still quite good.

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