Trap Monsters

KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 18th, 2024
Gems 31.5k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Esp/English(text in english below this text in spanish) se logro con el trampas Monstruos combinado con algo de unchained y tenyi a logrado poder enfrentarse al meta game la promoción a nd max fue contra lyricus aún así puede superarle increíblemente este deck le cuesta más los decks no meta como mago oscuro y ojos azules que los decks meta la tazón sencilla (Esto me a pasado desde el incio de los tiempos del juego que vengo jugando decks tramperos y estos decks siempre an sido los máximo enemigos junto con jinzo) el deck depende de la consistencia del campo es lo malo sin el la pasas mal y un poco del unchained para sobrevivir de los decks meta es cierto que se pasa mal contra lyricus en esta promoción tuve suerte que medio se brickeo. Enfin la explicación y video de como lo conseguí estarán en el link de abajo. ENG It was achieved with the Monster traps combined with some unchained and I had managed to be able to face the meta game. The promotion to nd max was against lyricus, yet he can still incredibly surpass this deck. This deck costs him more than the non-meta decks such as dark wizard and blue eyes. decks goal the simple bowl (This has happened to me since the beginning of the game that I have been playing trapper decks and these decks have always been the maximum enemies along with jinzo) the deck depends on the consistency of the field, the bad thing is without it the You have a bad time and a bit of unchained to survive from the meta decks. It is true that you have a bad time against lyricus in this promotion. I was lucky that it was half bricked. Anyway, the explanation and video of how I got it will be in the link below.

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