
King of Games from on April 19th, 2024
Gems 47.5k + $45
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Behold! The Ogdoadic Rokkets! This was not what I thought I would be playing when I finally got the new reptiles but life can be full of surprises sometimes. I know this list might look kinda confusing so let me go over a couple of things.

● Why Ogdoadics and Rokkets? After play testing reptile turbo, I was interested in seeing if Ogdoadics could mesh with other decks. I actually planned to try combining them with infernoids after giving it some thought and that ended up being a failure. Rokkets was a plan B that I wanted to try for fun that unexpectedly did well.

● Why Borrel Launch and is it okay for a deck that plays a number of Light monsters? So when I first thought of playing Ogdorokkets, I had this skill in mind since I was aiming to fully learn the skill's restrictions (for the field spell part). Although it says "During the duel you use this skill" it's ruling works as "for the rest of the turn after you use this skill" and only locks you into darks after you set Boot Sector Launch.

● What exactly does this deck do? So this one is tough to explain but I'll try to keep it brief. The two decks mostly act individually, but also tend to solve each other's problems. Ogdoadics are good at using monsters on the field as fodder to multiply and can recover for the grind game. Rokkets are floaters who can also swarm thanks to BSL making materials for either extra deck plays (alongside or without Ogdos), or generating more resources for Ogdos. (Feel free to check out the replays for a better understanding of the deck).

● Matchups

-> The worst matchups I noticed with this deck is unfortunately, the ever popular Battle Chronicle which is one of the reasons I even etched in Blizzard. Sky Strikers are also painful to face but sometimes setting your monsters can buy you some turns if they don't open Mind control or other limit 3 staples. RE Zombie lord is also a bad matchup for me (they just do way too much).

-> T.G.s is a coinflip matchup but depending on your hand going 2nd, you can sometimes break through their board anyways which is pretty cool. Ogdos hate herald a lot but Rokkets can help in those situations.

-> Neos/Yubel, Twins and surprisingly Shiranui have favourable matchups thanks to the combination of both decks alongside Echidna, the Link 2 that gives Sunsaga and Kluger some serious nightmares. Confusion can also be a Time limit wincon for this deck.

Not the best deck to play but definitely a fun one. Enjoy these replays!

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https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06b1b4914c31cf29c1877932e8aa618354c99de083 Vs Galaxy Eyes

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06f6249dd7e098f2eefe5677047df215c6069d0c00 Going 2nd vs Shiranui

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/03d721751bc2f052d615d11efef6140ff38cc5de5c Vs Neos/Yubel

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/02a076a788c3389ecd94b00a3608bc11f6324764a4 Vs BE Dimension (A broken endboard turn 1).

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/01fc73d0bbbeffaa63102bf7d80a3c21faeee8a0cf 8 w streak Vs TGs