Blue-Eyes: Rush!

King of Games from on August 11th, 2024
Gems 12.5k + $23
30 cards

Notes & Combos

i've played this deck since release and it was bad before but feels actually pretty good now. wilhel is really good, this deck is forced to play 7 tribute summons and in the past you always had to play something super cope that you would never play if it weren't for the skill. wilhel is good because it's just free pluses with good stats, and it's effect makes it not even a big deal if you have to summon it and immediately tribute over it for a blue-eyes.

burst stream is also great, i thought it might be kinda mid but it's really good when you're behind or for breaking boards of 3 set monsters. bright dragon is interesting with it because it can use the eff to become bewd for the requirement or you can withhold the eff so it can attack direct and do some pretty good damage.

the linked replay is my rank up game into kog, very sacky but shows exactly why i play this deck. your monsters are so big that it's really easy to get into positions where you can deal a ton of damage early on and leave your opponent without much to do. soul drake also means this deck has good longevity so it's fine even if the game goes on long.

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