
King of Games from on August 6th, 2024
Gems 43k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello, my fellow pretty-boy artifact enthusiasts! I'm so darn excited that my favorite alien rock deck got the rest of its TCG support and a Skill that shores up the power creep of the original Gateway skill. However, the deck is still hand-dependent on what kind of turn 1 boards you’re able to set up and sometimes games are won purely on whether you opened Barrage Blast or not. But still, you’re hardly in a losing position if you manage to get two Vimana negates in rotation with Acambaro in hand for protection.

My list went through several variations to account for the fact that I’ve only pulled 1 each of Figures and Glyph (I would absolutely play 2-3 Figures if possible!). In the ED, I tried running a Lv. 6 Xyz for Atlandis but it pretty much never came up. I pretty much only summoned Vimana and/or Huyuck most games and Dweller/Pleiades on T1 when I could avoid the xeno-lock and was certain it was optimal for the matchup. This deck devours Unchained and Borreload, Star Seraphs can be tricky if they time their Skill activation correctly, and Sacred Beast is difficult ranging on unwinnable so of course it came up on more than half of my games in Legend 5…so it goes. I ran into only one Fleur player and not a single Shark, Performage, or Shaddoll.

On a more unhinged note, does anyone else find it interesting that the new skill is called “Hope-Filled Chronomaly” because Hope is the original name for Utopia aka Yuma’s ace monster, so it means Utopia is filling up that Chronomaly……so it’s canon who the bottom is between Yuma & Trey #TheyreBoyfriends #LoveWins

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