
King of Games from on August 5th, 2024
Gems 51k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

KoG in 50 Games. Really fun and Underrated deck of the new Box. For Turn 1, If you open Nebra disk and Moai/Crystal and you know your opp. is on a grave based strategy(Fleur, Unchained) you search the trap with nebra disk Summon Moai and make Dweller.

For Turn 1, If you don't open Nebra Disk (or you don't care) but you open Acambaro and have Moai/Crystal Skull, You send Acambaro search the missing piece (Moai/Crystal Skull), Special Acambaro from grave, Discard Crystal Skull, Search Nebra Disk, Nebra Disk Search the trap (or Moai if you open the trap) Summon Moai, Make Huyuk with Nebra and Moai and on the end phase acambaro returns to the hand to give you destruction protection.

I wouldn't play Acambaro and Crystal Skull at less than 3 copies. I would Take off 1 Crystal Bones for 1 Moai. Don't play Rafflesia. You can take off the Gorgonic Guardian and Force Focus (They came up on Game4 and Game 5)

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