
King of Games from on August 27th, 2024
Gems 58k + $22
22 cards

Notes & Combos

I replaced the third 'D.D. Crow' with a third copy of 'Effect Veiler' because against most decks one effect negation is enough and 'Waiting For Response' shows up. It's also good against 'Dingirsu, The Orcust Of The Evening Star'.

'Enemy Controller' and 'Dark Hole' were removed since every time I drew them I never had a use case to activate them.

In going second against multiple handtraps/traps the third effect of the character skill is what ensures that the OTK goes through and it can only be activated if the opponent has a monster on the field.

To play around 'Nibiru, The Primal Being' I'm always trying to save the third effect of the character skill and only OTK with a 3.200 ATK 'Sunvine Thrasher' that can attack 2 - 3 times and 'Benghalancer The Resurgent'.

If I switch into the Battle Phase and my opponent activates Nibiru there are enough resources left to continue.

I've never seen a Nibiru with this deck but during the PvP event somebody used it against my Blackwing deck and my opponent lost the duel to the own Nibiru token.

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Player id: 688-454-796

Playlists with PvP gameplay:

  • Just Duel Links Sunavalon gameplay:

  • Gameplay from all Duel Links seasons in general (with different decks):

  • Final duels before all 44 King Of Games rankups:

  • Just Rikka (Sunavalon) Master Duel gameplay:

  • Gameplay from all 32 Master Duel seasons in general (with different decks):