Super Quant

King of Games from on August 5th, 2024
Gems 39.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

All gas, no staples. 65 wins to reach KoG with this deck, and exclusively this deck.

Initially I started the season with the build from last season, but once I reached Legend 1, I was struggling hard due to how bad Green Layer and Cyclone are going first, making it hard to make Great Magnus. I was so frustated I went with Star Seraph... but kept on losing, and realized I was tilting hard, which... good, because I had to take a break and rethink my build for Quants. Then I changed the 2 Cyclones and 1 Green Layer with 3 Into the Void. And... it felt way better.

After doing so, the run became more smooth, I was going first with Great Magnus more consistently and I kept getting more names, and even going second I was able to survive for long enough. Don't get me wrong tho, going 2nd against Set 2-3 still hurts and can kill you, but if you open specifically, there is a chance to still be in the game.

Knightmare Unicorn barely came out, so you can replace it with either Granpulse or another Great Magnus. Still preference.

And yes, the combos are still hard to explain in a decklist for DLM. Once of these days I will do a guide for this.

Well I explain what the cards do in the Spicy Winstreak for this deck, go check that.

Green Layer sucks, and again, only play 2-1, never 3. It's gonna ***** you over more often than not.

Something something mecha anime recommendation... Go watch Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh. It is literally made for children but it is really good. It's on YT with English subs!

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VS Tachyon (Magnus does not care about Counter Traps!)

VS Ursartic

VS Live Twin Unchained

VS Star Seraph (KoG Rank-Up)