
King of Games from on December 26th, 2023
Gems 39k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Using the skill to send Zuben and Virgo + Star Cradle in hand Is one card Ahashima - Pleiades.

Going second with Star Cradle in hand you can send Siat and Pollux to the GY (Siat special summon itself and Pollux give you and additional normal summon even if they negate it's effect. That result in one free XYZ before you commit your actual normal summon.

The best generic board you can end on going first is with Pollux - Algedi - Sombre + any level 4 constellar: You summon the first three in this exact order, you make Ahashima with the first two and use it's effect to summon Tsukuyomi so you discard one draw two and then you can make Pleiades with Sombre + some backrow.

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#Replay #DuelLinks

vs Amazement

vs Tenyi