
King of Games from on December 25th, 2023
Gems 16.5k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

My second run with Lunalight still slaps here the rundown what Duels agiansts the reason Meta Decks.

Tenyi: by far the easiest match up I duel agaisnts. Going first just set up your Nightmare+Dweller & they will struggle if they do have like Book or Chalice it possible to stop Nightmare but I don't see Tenyi's players who use it often. for going second if the did bring out the Synchro Berserker or set 1 backrow it will be a good challegened to up agaisnt, but if they didn't bring out Synchro Berserker it a easy win. Thank to Kaleido Chick's banishing effect all of Teniy's effects are disable during in Battle phase with is a good night for Tenyi.

Live Twins: It has to be the hardest duel I up againsts. Going first it fine bring out Nightmare+Dweller set up but it won't last long cuz they will Book or Chaline my Nightmare & Dweller is a sitting duck. Live Twin don't care about their GY so Dweller is a awful cards to use. Also they have Hand Traps to stop my plays if they have Vieler nothing happend, but if they have D.D Crow I'm dead without my combo. Going second is even worst they will bring out their Live Twins combo & set 3 backrow & pass. I tried to bring out my Lunalight combo the best I can but they have the answear for everything. If I manage to bring out my Lunalight combo with just luck it a win for me, but yeah going agaisnt Live Twins are the worst.

Yuble: It depend on what my opponet summon. if they summon Yuble first then I need to bring out Tiger king or Castel it the answear to up agaisnt Yuble. If they bring out Neo + Super Poly I have to bring out Phoenix or using Storm to destroy it. Dueling agaisnt Yuble is kinda in the middle agaisnt they will set some backrow up but if I manage to bring out the answear or got stop by their backrow or get Veiler.

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