
King of Games from on December 10th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This deck aims to use DM/DMG as a toolbox. By utilizing Recovery Force, you can constantly have the pair in rotation. DMG is especially sticky in multiples, giving you an insurance policy against many decks. Conversely, Dark Magician gives you access to Dark Magic Attack, a powerful removal tool to clear the way for your attacks.

Sevens Road Witch helps glue the deck together, as she can tutor out Dark Magician and Sevens Road Magician for huge plays. A very common combo with this deck is to swap DMG with Dark Magician, use Witch to bring out DM, and then clear the field with Dark Magic Attack.

This deck chooses to run little to no backrow, as Dragonic Resonance is by far the most popular deck in the room, so we are opting to play as many proactive cards as possible. By keeping your DMG in rotation with Recovery Force, you should be able to shrug off measily 300 damage blows from Resonance boosted monsters. However, there are 2 scenarios that cause a death sentance:

  1. The game is basically unwinable if you are at 1200 LP or less. This is because Sevens Road Witch needs to be exposed for you to go through your power plays, and a Resonance boosted Dragon can easily find lethal through her vulnerable ATK stat.
  2. If you fumble a draw and find no aces, it becomes very hard to mount a comeback. If you ever leave a Dragias or Dragonic Slayer unanswered, and the other pair shows its head the next turn, then there's little you can do to be able to come back.

(seriously. the amount of times i've been on the receiving end of Dragias + Slayer + Twin-Edge dealing 5800 damage because i didn't find an ace monster is silly lol)

All in all, I think this is a very strong deck, exceptionally so, but it is hindered by its Resonance match up. Bunker Strike/Slayer + low Level beater (Dragolite) clears DM/DMG + Sevens Road Witch very easily. If the skill didn't boost both monsters, then we could survive the onslaught, but as is, prepare to see this interaction play out often.

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