
King of Games from on December 31st, 2024
Gems 49k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

So this is my finalized decklist for my final King of Games entry for the 2024 year. I can't believe we're already at the end of 2024 and entering 2025. I finished this semester strong with straight A's in my crime law doctoral program and it won't be long before 2026 hits, I graduate, and I can add "Dr." to my name. I'd also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!

Man, what a year it's been for Duel Links. I think 2024 has got to be the worst year ever in Duel Links history with Agents, Floodgates, FTK's, tier zero Tachyon, you name it. However, despite the horrible metagame, I survived and managed to King of Games every month in the 2024 year. I can't believe it's already been one year since my wife Ghost Gal was added to the game and me hitting King of Games with her deck for so long now.

As for my decklist, it's pretty much standard stuff I covered in my Altergeist Guide. I was fiddling around with x2 Drowning Mirror Force instead of the x2 Breakthrough Skill before realizing Drowning Mirror Force is not worth it and going back to Breakthrough Skill instead. The decklist seemed very consistent and there was very few instances where I hard bricked with no play. If you know me, I love my 20 card decklists as a consistency player so my decklists are all gas without the extra stuff like Tour Guide from the Underworld, as I don't like adding inherent bricks to my list that don't help me. For my limit 3's, Needle Ceiling is standard since Altergeist doesn't have good mass board removal and Compulsory Evacuation Device is great for quick spot-removal.

For my Extra Deck, since Lyrilusc is out of the meta, you can cut Ningirsu + Wynn package for Kidolga and a third Hexstia if you want. I saw zero Lyrilusc and Ningirsu only came up once to rid an enemy Cocytus in an Invoked Performage list I faced.

As for my Avaricious Spellcraft skill, I like how it can recycle banished cards (letting me play through Ice Dragon's Prison easier), but eh. I think I like Altergeist Overwrite more for the extra life points. Avaricious Spellcraft is still great at helping you draw into more backrow in a pinch and give more gas on Personal Spoofing if you need it.

My past five games this time around consisted of Spirit Grasp Zombies (Yami Bakura), Shadow-Weaving Power Shaddoll (Dumon), Link Darkraze Unchained (Playmaker), Eternal Bond (Jaden/Yubel), and finally my King of Games match Raider's Rebellion Phantom Knights (Yuto).

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For replays, the game that was most interesting was vs the Shaddoll player so I'll toss that one here. It was very back and forth too. Also, since we're getting a VRAINS event in January 2025, if Altergeist gets any new toys, I will update my decklist and showcase those new toys. Keep following me and do subscribe on the YouTube channel for when the eventual Altergeist support does drop, as I'll have a video covering it.