Ancient Warriors

King of Games from on December 10th, 2024
Gems 25.5k
26 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck have a lot of effects and control to deal with top tier decks it should be at least tier2.

First turn try to summon sun mou, lu feng and don yin with defense of changban in graveyard using sun mou effect as final defense in case all is removed from your side.

if you start second turn use guan yun to waste negate effects from enemy then try to summon what i said before (see replays).

Double dragon lords good card dont waste it at begin wait for use all your other effects bait enemy then use this card. Enemy will negate most the first effect of draw a warrior they dont know you can use the other effect of send a card to hand inmediatly to avoid their effect negation.(see replays)

crackdown is optional is a boost of control for deck but not necessary for it works (but works better with it).

dark fusion skill i use this because the LP boost can save you of being OTK also you can boost atk of 1 unit.

You can also can use warrior fields as it have good atk boost and also is a extra card for banish if necessary.

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