Notes & Combos
Is that a 4 card Dark Hole!?!?!? What was bro on?💀 It turns out Draconic Pressure is the greatest card ever conceived. Just got all the cards for this deck and for the last week or so I had been losing my mind trying to make it work. I tried so many different things eventually landing on Draconic Pressure which to my shock really made things take form. Draconic Pressure was a surprise because previously it seemed that the main problem with the deck was lack of access to boss monsters since running 5 or 6 you do not draw them often enough but running more is bad because it makes the deck brick and you also have no way to recycle your boss monsters. Before you ended up in scenarios in which you die before even drawing one of your boss monsters or you instantly lose if your boss monster leaves the field. Draconic Pressure does not give you more boss monsters but it helps you avoid those scenarios; for example: 1.If your opponent has established a board that threatens your life points like a monster with piercing or with a removal effect if you draw Draconic Pressure instead of a boss monster you can destroy the field before summonig as many of your low level dragons in defence, you eliminate the threat and leave more time for your boss monster to show up, 2.So that you do not lose as soon as your boss monster leaves the field draconic pressure makes your damage pushes fatal. This is NOT overkill, the skill is mostly reactive, you really only have access to Dragiastar if your opponent has already established a big board. You are not likely to win inmediately after summoning Dragiastar unless your opponent is already low on life points. Essentially Draconic pressure turns your damage pushes into lethal pushes so that you win before your opponent can remove your monsters. All of this a lot to say it gives the deck One Turn Kills (OTK): activate the skill to add, activate Draconic Pressure AFTER activating the skill discard both sport dragons and another dragon destroy all monsters then special summon one sport dragon, use the sport dragon to special summon the other one, summon Dragias by tributing the sport dragons, normal summon The Dragon, activate fusion to summon Dragiastar, finally Dragiastar can use its SECOND effect to attack twice directly 3000×2=6000. Depending on how many you add from the skill this is a 5 or a 6 OTK but remember you could a set a spell turns prior and sport dragons can be in grave prior.
Kog Winstreak: vs Cyber Dragon (OTK) vs Voidvelg vs Galactica Order vs Metarion vs Dragiastar Nova