Notes & Combos
Hey guys, this is my post banlist predaplant deck, it's so op, can beat every deck in the tierlist if played correctly, there are 2 combos u need to learn if u want to play this deck, the first on ends on dragostapelia and robin and requires having byblisp or scorpio to do it, the second one ends on 2 dragostapelia and predaplast and it requires having sarraceniant or chlamydosundew to do it, both of them will be showed in the replays, you can add droplet and hand traps if you want but they'll just make you brick, so it's better to play the deck like this imo, I also have some cool duels against ghostrick (beat it with taotie dragon), shark etc., but I can't add more (reached the limit)
Combo 1 (VS Star Seraph)
Combo 2 (Mirror match)
VS Lyrilusc
VS Fleur
VS Sky Striker