Super Quant

King of Games from on December 6th, 2024
Gems 42k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Big man turbo again. Was lucky enough to get to Legend 4 and not run into many predafiles before the banlist went into effect (although the lack of them was made up with the amount of times I was Kaiju'd after the list).

Never made use of Abyss Dweller and would definitely replace it with a second big eye. Droll + veiler was a last minute addition from Leg 5 to KoG. Droll won me any game it went off so I would def run 3 this format if I could.

The knightmare package is also busted with this deck and allows you to make lethal pushes a lot easier, especially paired with big eye using their monsters as link material.

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(Sky Striker)

(S&P Infernobles)

(True Draco)