
King of Games from on December 12th, 2024
Gems 13.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I hate that I’ve done this. I don’t even like this deck aesthetically, I think these cards look like Kashtira but for 13-year olds and I dislike that the Skill relies so much on RNG to advance your plays. A lot of games with this deck also end up depending on whether I resolve or destroy Negate Attack, which I’ve also milled by my various effects more than I actually resolved it (literally hate this card so much, I think I hated it less when I didn’t own it).

Well, that’s what happens when I end up in a 10-game losing streak with Bubble Era after a week of being stuck in Gold 5, entering a frustration-induced dissociative fugue state and dropping 8k gems on the most recent mini box and getting to KOG within an hour of grinding matches on ladder.

Whatever, girl. Rush is still a newer format and has a lot of time to develop in the new year. I’ll try to put some gems aside in the hope we get Celeb Rose because that deck looks pretty cool

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KOG https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05adf9c40caee085bc5b0787b350bebcec6e44de58