Notes & Combos
Are you ready to be festive for Christmas? Are you ready for that?
I played with this deck a bit during the early levels of KC Cup last month but switched to Predaplant to finish out the 1st stage because I was having trouble against a lot of the top decks of the format. Now that they’ve nerfed a few of them and we also got access to another good WIND Synchro in Fast Dragon, I’ve found that these windy girls have a lot going for them and we don’t have to rely on the basic Crystal Wing + Diamond Bell endboard every game. What’s kind of funny about my climb was that I ran into more Speedroid players during my climb than Predap and Lyrilusc combined…probably because of Yugo being really down bad and whatnot, and of course I clapped him 9 times out of 10! Girls rule boys drool etc etc
I’m running a 25-card list to slot in some more backrow removal, Eclipses, Necro Fusion to occasionally cheese opponents with Quintet Magician, and 3 Car Turbo to make the motorcycle going 1st and potentially extend through disruption going 2nd (also the attack boost in GY did come up!), personally I found a 20-card list resulted in too many hands where I only opened engine cards. If I had a third Ice Bell I’d maybe consider upping this to a 30-card list but even at 25 I still run into a few hands where I don’t open any of the deck’s 9 starters and you kinda have to improvise. Ideally you want to open at least one starter (Ice/Snow/Chimes), one extra Witch (Glass/Freeze/Chimes) for extension, and 2 pieces of non-engine.
This deck still has a fair number of choke points and a well-timed Book of Eclipse can really ruin things for you. I did run Forbidden Lance early in the climb but found that Eclipse usually does enough to help survive a turn if I get hit with one myself. Plus, I found that backrow hate ended up being more proactive in dealing with that kind of disruption and also for clearing Zombie World specifically because boy how did it come up more than once. That said, no amount of backrow countering helps the fact that Sky Striker is our worst matchup by far, our win condition there is to hope they haven’t read Snow Bell and try to use Afterburner on a monster summoned with it and then promptly shame-concede which also came up lmao
Well, that was a fun way to finish up this year of Speed duels! This year I managed to hit KOG every month and even got to try out a wide variety of cool decks in the process. Even the moments of abrupt power creep and Tier 0 formats proved to be a really entertaining challenge for me as a duelist, it’s definitely a lot more than I can say for Rush format which I’m still getting used to in terms of its distinctly sacky playstyle and the fact that I only have so many Gems to go around for both formats.