
King of Games from on February 7th, 2023
Gems 78k + $15
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Topologic Crystrons, because if Konami won't free Crystrons, I might as well use limit 1s to try to make them a tiny bit relevant.

Getting Topologic out T1 is surprisingly consistent, and makes for IMO a better turn 1 play than Inzektron does, all while keeping the GY filled and allowing for follow-up plays. T2 becomes less consisent though, because the number of Synchros in the extra deck has to be reduced to make room for it (hence all the backrow removal).

Majestic Dragon + skill because it's a way to another free monster on the field by trading Controller, and doesn't take up the resources that Lab Builder does.

Tr11sh still just wins games when it resolves.

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