Borrel Link

King of Games from on February 12th, 2025
Gems 36.5k
27 cards

Notes & Combos

Resolving Silverokket turn 1 is mandatory, we also need to end on multiple disrupts and see Melody turn 2 so small build with Allure gives us the consistency.

Vs HERO: Silverokket for Escuridao, Link4+ Magna (or Veiler) for Armed Dragon, make Starving Venom (ED immune cause Rapid Trigger) to wall the fusion beatdown (and next turn, you can destroy Starving with Riot/Tracer or copy Rainbow, to wipe the opponent's board).

Vs Salamangreat: Most only run 2 Pyro Phoenix and didn't buy Goddess of the Underworld. So Silverokket removing a Phoenix turns Riot Dragon and Borreload into walls. They run Crosswipe so try to summon both. Also they run hand-traps but will use them wrong so you can punish with free Link 2.

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3 replays vs Salamangreat: invalid url

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