Notes & Combos
Gemini Kog Run #2 Lots of changes to the deck Hit Legend 5 Around 40 wins stuck there till 61 Never Deranked though Will Do A Video Soon On My Channel For Full Guide: 1.) lower card count: decided to go down to 20 cards for the highest chance of drawing kiteroid for survival or the trap so you get the free search 2.) Extra Deck Changes: 1.) Flame Swordsman and hita for the fire meta with salads being around 2.) Tenyi not too bad with geminis being normal monsters in grave but have to make sure you have no effect monsters when you summon it 3.) New Battlin Boxer Dempsy: Came up a few times nice to be able to send roland to grave or add to hand and target protection for it is decent 3.) Reinforcement of the army is nice for deck thinning and can be any gemini or roland 4.) Switched from mystical space typhoon to Gemini Spark as gemini spark can deal with monsters as well as backrow at the cost of a lv 4 gemini but you do get to draw a card
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