Light Machines

King of Games from on January 13th, 2024
Gems 11.5k + $8
30 cards

Notes & Combos

A lot of people are telling and saying to use the 1500 attack wolf but Im here to say its bait. The usage of the aqua engine and beast engine allows for card advantage to allow you to get acebreaker out and either another boss or use the effect and have another monsters on field/set a card. The rhino is also bait and would just be better to wait for torna to be unlimited as it functions as a better way to deal with set 3 monsters without needing to discard a light monster and functions as an out to bosses. Barrel is an amazing addition to the deck, allowing another target for the skill and just being a good legend card. I play ghost cyclone as a way to deal with backrow which this deck struggles vs as a good amount of resources goes to your boss and a well timed widespread ruins your whole tempo. overall structure deck isnt bait and is actually good

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