
King of Games from on January 21st, 2024
Gems 74k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck does not depend only on trishula like other versions, that makes you less predictable.

-Fossil fussions to destroy staples or monsters with nekroz kaleidoscope.

-An old school play is to use Kaleidoscope to summon 2 brionac, using Quasar as a tribute. After using its effects, you make the xyz and equip it with Quasar. The xyz sends Quasar to the GY to sent another opponent's monster to be GY. Finally, when Quasar is sent to the GY, you can summon a free shooting star dragon from the extra deck. In total, you can clean the field and have a free 3.3k ATK boss monster..

-IDP is lore accurate, so no one is going to say anything to you for using it :D

-Spellbook engine better than ROTA, in my opinion.

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