Despite late at season, i've managed to achieve KOG with my Simorgh decklist, which has changed a little bit from the last one. Konami nerfed Kuribohmorph, so i had to return with my previous strategy, which is to push for game with Bird of Ancestry through Double Normal Summon's synergy with the card.
Darkness can still control the board, but Dark Hole runs rampant in Ranked and it is constantly a downer. There are good matchups however, such as Yubel. With bouncing, Ancestry is the perfect tool to deal with all Yubel forms and the fusion.
Linkuriboh + Phoenix is a nice touch. Until you get done with the backrow, make sure to save Ancestry for last.
Harpie Conductor makes its way as the only accessible Winged Beast Link monster available, and you shouldn't swap it over anything else, but feel free to get rid of Brute Enforcer or Daruma if you will. Conductor is necessary not only by Type/Attribute, but also to push OTK through Knightmare Unicorn and her when the little birds come back from the graveyard, which is VERY often.
I also can't forget to talk about Alpha, an AWESOME card that suits very well, not only strenghtening its effect when paired with other birds on the board, but also, if you managed to keep a Griffin on the field from a turn to other, and you bring Alpha forth, you can bounce griffin to your own hand and proceed to discard it with Onslaught, getting even more resources!