
King of Games from on January 19th, 2025
Gems 61.5k
28 cards

Notes & Combos

This is good time to climb to KOG - good heros players has already KOGed and a lot of players are avoiding ladder. I mainly dueled mediocre heros players, shaddoll and invoked variants.

As before, our main win condition is to summon Berserk Dragon in our battle phase and attack everything to otk. Since A Deal with Dark Ruler is now searchable with Heiress, one copy is enough.

You can trigger Heiress search by pop it with Sauge, foolish it with Griefing, discard it with Groza and if you lucky even with Bulb (happen to me once in the climb :))

Turn 1 is at least one monster negate and any tech you manage to draw. Since almost every monster is a starter, choose according to your hand and matchup:

  • Emperor + skill 2nd effect can summon Groza. Any other fiend in hand is also protection, and if its Heiress / Farfa, you also get search / another disruption
  • Heiress / Eccentrick + skill 2nd effect can summon Clear Wing. Really usefull with all the high level monsters in the meta
  • lvl-8 spellcaster + both skill effects can summon Felgrand. Use its effect on itself on opponent draw phase and most heros players will waste resources trying to get rid of it :)
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Some replays from the climb to KOG.