
King of Games from on January 19th, 2025
Gems 35.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I've played the game for four years (since Arc-V world came out) and finally found time to grind out my first KoG ever. So happy. It's actually so much harder than a KC Cup 2nd Stage entry LOL. That punishment for even losing one game on a Legend 5 Streak is so brutal. I finally clutched it up with a favorite deck of mine.

Kinda hate this meta LOL. Heroes are aggravating but I was able to learn the matchup very quickly. I started throwing in multiple board blow out cards to combat the amount of HERO and swarming decks (like Dragonmaid and Shaddoll) that I kept encountering. Now that I'm done with this deck I'm gonna go play some more of my Odd-Eyes petdeck in KoG and make some people smile like I did tonight with my first KoG :,3

Also, I would love to send replays but three of my five games in Legend 5 were surrenders because I popped their board with a blow out card LMAO. I love gambling with MST cards against HERO, I can't stop winning!

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