
King of Games from on January 13th, 2025
Gems 32.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Testing the new Speedroid support for this month's climb to KOG and while it does considerably improve the deck's strength, it still has some of the same weaknesses, such as board breakers like Book of Eclipse and Super Polymerization.

Blizzard is honestly an underrated card, being able to not only negate spells like Book of Eclipse and Dark Hole that would break your board (when will we get Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragon?), as well as other important spells like Polymerization.

All the Extra Deck slots are solved except for a single flex slot which is currently being occupied by Stardust Charge Warrior, although you can replace it with a different monster such as Stardust Dragon, Cyber Slash Harpie Lady, Stardust Warrior, or even a second Clear Wing.

P.S. The Ranked Duels ladder (at least on my end) is full of bots playing decks like Watt beatdown and I'm surprised Konami hasn't done anything about it.

P.P.S. Nerf Dragonic Contact, Pendulum Rebellion (the Sky Striker variant), and the Pride and Soul FTK!

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Shiranui (I forgot to use Piper's effect)


Glue HERO 1


Glue HERO 2


Glue HERO 3
