
King of Games from on January 17th, 2025
Gems 25k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Couldn't get to KoG before the new HERO skill and suffered because of it. Was stuck in Legend 5 for a week playing nothing but Jaden. Put the game down for awhile and got lucky to not match up against any HERO decks on my run to KoG. Honeslty don't know what they were thinking when creating that skill, think the meta would actually be pretty solid without it around. Changed up the list from last month a little bit but nothing major, deck is still pretty solid, removed droplet for mst halfway through my climb and it honestly made the deck so much better with how much backrow HERO play. Overall, I hope HERO gets hit astronmically hard after the KC Cup. That climb to DLV. 20 is gonna suck...

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Game1:Shadoll Game2:StarSeraph Game3:Dragonmaid Game4:Suship(InstaScoop) Game5:TriBrigadeLyrilusc