Ancient Gears

King of Games from on July 25th, 2024
Gems 47.5k + $4
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I always wanted to hit KING OF GAMES with ancient gears but it was a pain the *** before or near imposible, but now with CHAOS GIANT things have change. that thing has help me reach king of games, and the lovely overload fusion spell works perfectly with this deck

no golem? no reactor? i have decided to drop them out because they were very bricky and it could ruin your combos with anchor drill (best choice of my life) because why have them? we already got a new boss monster, no need to play bricks on your deck anymore.

thankyou chaos giant, ancient gears always solved their problems by punching things even harder then before.

i got very inspired by the dude who won the WCQ with ancient gears, corbin! what a legend (and also because i love this archetype)

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