Dark Magician

King of Games from on July 31st, 2024
Gems 36k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

Even if Magician Navigation has been seeing less play with the current meta, I believe it is still worth to play it, as it speed ups the deck quite a lot by summoning apprentice, and helps setups the next turn with a DM in hand, thanks to apprentice, and with a negation in the graveyard.

Also I've seen Rod being played less as well, but with DM gameplan working as a puzzle where you need all the pieces to work well it helps in keeping all the pieces in place.

Dark magic Expanded works as an alternative win path if you're not able to draw into Magicalized fusion, as it can be searched with both Rod and the skill. It also helps to make DMG less useless as it adds to the amount of spellcasters for the effect. With a single navigation or TDM float you can protect eternal soul and if you already have a DM in graveyard it can even protect your dark spellcasters from other cards effects.

I think the XYZ monsters can be a bit too slow to play so I replaced them with phoenix which can be very helpful against sacred beast, zombies and just general spell/trap removal. You might want to remove artemis instead but I find the recycling effect it provides with rod quite useful.

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https://duellinks.konami.net/att/072bebf016eb00b96c86787b758b26357171c240e6 (KOG Game)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/072bebf016eb00b96c86787b758b26357171c240e6 (Galaxy Eyes: DM Expanded use example)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/072bebf016eb00b96c86787b758b26357171c240e6 (Another DME example)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/072bebf016eb00b96c86787b758b26357171c240e6 (Big brain move by bluffing eternal soul set).