
King of Games from on July 28th, 2024
Gems 67.5k + $4
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I was bored of this meta and even though i had infernobles built i really wanted to try something spicy late season so i came up with this mess

Some cool interactions and tips regarding the HERO cards :

1.all of the heroes end on an untargetable charles + follow up without you going minus on card advantage you should consider playing 1 ogier in the deck to make charles indistructible too but i wanted to keep the deck more HERO focused.

2.decider is a cool card since you can activate the on summon effect>charles eff during end phase equip excaliburn+blazeman>charles pop the equipped blazeman>then decider add blazeman

3.Gearfried is the best boss monster printed for warriors: monster negate and non target removal during the batgle phase and it is searchable during end phase with roland eff

4.sunrise and escuridao came up alot surprisingly,helped with otk and boosted up charles and gearfried for easier beatdown

This is just a significantly worse version of infernobles and not worth playing unless you are bored out of your mind or enjoy HEROs like me

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