Infernoble Knight

King of Games from on July 24th, 2024
Gems 60.5k + $11
29 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck has the most oppresive turn 1, also it is super consistent to set up Charles with target and destruction protect, Gearfried and t.g.synchron (can also be stardust lvl 10 synch) Going 2nd you can basically play through anything. This deck loses if you brick badly. I only lost by bricking. my longest winstrek was 17 mostly against Sacred Beast,Zombies, Rokket and some Unchained live twin.Nobody plays pure Unchained headshake and Played against Zero Bewd, last 2 Kogs against 70% bewd. Fun deck, to pilot well you need to learn the lines and it takes actual skill to pilot... when you are going 2nd at least haha

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