Sacred Beast

King of Games from on July 21st, 2024
Gems 37.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

In a game like Duel Links where skills now seem to autopilot your entire deck, Yubel's new skill Sacred Beast Beckoning seems fit to continue the trend by retrofitting a completely competitive-irrelevant series like Sacred Beasts from the bargain bin to the big leagues with an excellent consistency boost and a new castle defence strategy that aims to keep you alive as long as possible while pushing for the perfect opportunity to fire an 8000 ATK piercing ballistic missile at whichever hapless monster thought it wouldn't be drawing the short straw that day.

This version runs 3 Opening of the Spirit Gates, not just for extra consistency but also to make use of the third effect that allows additional copies to become recyclable discard fodder for the Knightmare Link monsters.

Code Talker forms a solid defensive core alongside Hamon, increasing the likelihood of a second monster surviving the opponent's opening turn to then be used for easy Link material, while also shrugging off common staples like Dark Hole and Book of Moon.

Sacred Beasts have heavy reliance on their backrow to stay in the fight past the initial turns, and between the protection offered by Fallen Paradise and Cerulean Skyfire, and Opening accelerating board presence, Swords of Revealing Light's additional attack prevention becomes one last cherry on top to ensure that even having two Spell/Trap removal options isn't enough to fully answer this end board.

Between Swords, Skyfire, Effect Veiler and Treacherous Trap Hole, chances are likely that you'll see one extra piece of interaction that helps open the way for Raviel to spontaneously arrive and "Shimmering Scraper" its way through your opponent's Life Points. The only suggestion towards improving this deck would be swapping a Pentestag for Linkuriboh if you have sufficiently levelled Playmaker and Ai, as it can help in awkward cases where Chaos Summoning Beast would have difficulty hitting the Graveyard.

Replays consist of:

  • A final five climb duel against Dark Magician. The ladder climb had many Battle Chronicle decks, which Sacred Beasts have little trouble dispatching.
  • A down-to-the wire duel against Altergeist. Both of us ran low on time, causing a tense situation.
  • A duel against Infernoble Knight where my opponent seemed to have the out for everything, but grasped defeat from the jaws of victory.
  • My KoG rank-up game, included only for formality's sake as my opponent forfeited after they concluded my board was unbreakable.
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