
King of Games from on July 24th, 2024
Gems 30.5k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

The Deck is really consistent and very enjoyable to play.

For the deck building part, you could play one more sarama and less rakea for more grind game, but the problem with that is sarama on its own is not a starter.

Veiler was ok for me, but you could also play skull meister or other limit 3 traps like prison.

Most played matchup for me is always blue eyes, they are everywhere on the ladder.

Best turn one against them is just to sit on your bodies and not link into rage because he is most of the time useless.

For the extra deck, you could cut bomber dragon for a second Abomination or another link 4 or even a second unicorn.

You also could consider dingirsu for a rank 8 play.

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Sadly saved just one Replay against Tachyon

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07cfd8e6ed38931312333054ab4ade2cb82d9fd26f #DuelReplay #DuelLinks