Winged Dragon of Ra

King of Games from on July 6th, 2024
Gems 41.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

This Modification(M.⛮.D) version is called: Gh⛮st Recon:

With Agents not being nerfed at start of Season, July 4 adding some new + old decks to Meta, and on top of all this there was a lot of D.D Crow... Was a harder climb then last month. Also definitely felt not using Mimicking Man Eater Bug. Idk there was a handful of Duels last month where it won me games crazy I know lol.

Had to make adjustments when I hit Legend 4 and got rid of the 2 Dark Core’s and added 2 Forbidden Chalice.

Start of this Ranked Season I removed Mimicking Man Eater Bug and went with 2 Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer. I really like this Card a lot in Ra. It stops your opponent from using D.D Crow against you, Disrupts Decks that use Banish from Graveyard effects, and if your lucky enough to land a direct hit with him, can Banish 2 Monsters from your opponent’s graveyard.

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