
King of Games from on June 30th, 2023
Gems 46.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

KoG report

8/10 wins moreless. More consistent than ever. You can run 3 Manjus. I'm just a weirdo who don't wanna see the same card in his hand if I want to go full combo or whatever, so I played only 2 which was enough to me. You can play with 2 prep of rites, a third one is always welcome but if you can't afford it don't stress yourself. Just play more rituals. Kaleidoscope now is the best ritual in my opinion. 9 + 3 is always a pleasure, thus Clausolas is the MVP here being a protection for Trishula if you face Goukis or Speedroids. Valkyrius is awesome too and running 2 copies isn't a bad idea at all. Honestly the one card that makes Nekroz great again is Clausolas, being a searcher AND quick disruption, so go for 2 or 3. Part of this KoG is thanks to my Armed Dragon Thunder Deck (which you can check out in the channel if you haven't already) since it climbed to Leg 3 and the rest using Nekroz.

Honestly I'm pretty sure this deck will be "Tier 3 or 2", just wait for it.

Feel free to check out some of the duels i played in my Yt Video

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