Phantom Knights

King of Games from on June 25th, 2023
Gems 52.5k + $30
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Player id: 688-454-796

After playing Orcust during the last two months and bricking three times with all Orcust garnets during my King Of Game rankup duel of this season I’ve decided to switch to Phantom Knights to get a consistent winstreak within Legend 5.

Orcust has strong combos but even with maximized deck size and a lot of consistency cards it happens frequently that the opening hand contains nothing else than all the Orcust garnets.

If Orcust bricks then the opponent basically just has to press 'Activate Skill' and the character skill puts 4.000+ damage on the field.

This makes it so that every duel with Orcust feels like a gamble since the outcome depends 99 % on the luck of not starting with a unplayable hand and 1 % on knowing how to set up Decode Talker, Dingirsu and Babel in going first and breaking the opponents board with Knightmare Unicorn and Dingirsu in going second.

Phantom Knights don't have the problem of starting the duel with three high level garnets.

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Playlists with PvP gameplay:

  • Just Duel Links Phantom Knights gameplay:

  • Just Duel Links Orcust gameplay:

  • Gameplay from all Duel Links seasons in general (with different decks):

  • Final duels before all 24 King Of Games rankups:

  • Just Master Duel Phantom Knights gameplay:

  • Gameplay from all Master Duel seasons in general (with different decks):