Evil Eye

King of Games from on June 23rd, 2024
Gems 20k + $208
Skill None
21 cards

Notes & Combos

Pure Evil Eye (no skill)

There are definitely several skills you could play such as sealed tombs, Life Point Boost Aplha, Duel Fuel and ofc the new Fleur skill. I decided to not run a skill just to see how well Id do.

Deck Notes

Any tech cards in the main deck you dont have could be replaced with Kaijus, extra traps, hand traps or Book of Moon/Chalice once Invicil gets officially hit. Although I personally really loved Overrot and espescially Lost Winds! Overrot for its alternative form of removal of any card it can target; then Lost Winds, negating a monster and helping me maintain card advantage!

The only cards I ever summoned from the extra deck were Gorgon and Phoenix. Everything else can be replaced

Repose can be questionable on whether you should play it or not but the extra draw is very useful.

Awakening can also be questionable but its helped me keep an evil eye monster face up on the field so my Defeat stays live.

Confrontation is good right now against zombies. Being able to get rid of Zombie World almost anytime you want is cruicial to beating it.(OVerrot also helps with this)

If you're having trouble with consistency, I highly suggest you run Terraforming and/or more backrow to keep you alive until you find the card(s) you need! You can take out Repose, Alpha and make the deck 20c to do that!

If you've made it this far in the notes, I appreciate your time spent reading.

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