
King of Games from on June 26th, 2024
Gems 63.5k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Skill is crazy. If you get connector, either by opening or with trade in then you can get a rip while ending on clear wing and herald for 2-3 negates and making your oppoent unable to discard or send from the deck. If you get a copy of Levi in hand as well then you can get a second rip to make it even harder for them. And if you manage to get TWO levi then you can also end on dingirsu who can attach necro synchron giving you 3 destruction protections.

When going second you have a multitude of ways to clear your opponents field. Sauge can pop any card, levi and dingirsu send to the grave, unicorn if you need non destruction, levi and glow up bulb into vermillion for another pop since levi cant attack that turn anyways, and you can use ruddy to just wipe their entire grave

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