Infernoble Knight

King of Games from on June 24th, 2024
Gems 48.5k + $11
30 cards

Notes & Combos

First of all :

Im a F2p player depending on gems only and no real money at all.

I got "Gearfried" through dream tickets. the deck works with just 1 copy beacuse it is searchable with "Ogier" or "Roland" .

I don't have "Sauge de fleur" . but the deck works well without it .

also i dont have a second copy of UR infernoble search spell .

"Rose dragon" didn't came up a single time .. so you can replace hime with "Clear wing " or "Nightmre unicorn" or any synchro you like .

also the trap cards can be replaced with any staples.

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1-Vs Agents : breaking a full board with invicil

2-VS Agents going 1st

3-VS Blue Eyes going 1st

4-Vs Blue eyes going 2nd

5- VS Tenyi

6- VS zombie destiny hero (KOG match ) + 7 streak