Light Machines

King of Games from on June 4th, 2024
Gems 23k + $38
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Happy Pride Month! The first week(end) of June was my birthday so I could not play one of those days. But day 3 (2 for me) and got KoG! Yipeee! This time we got KoG with Mecha beatdown! (Took me 48 wins...)

For the longest "adventure" to KoG I only had 2x Bicorn... you REALLY need 3x to make the deck great.

Anyway lets break the deck down! :D (For those who even read this thanks :3)

  1. You wanna send Striker as either cost for Tribute to the Doomed OR Crafter Drone. So that way when you get Gold Rush; you can Summon Gold and Striker (If your opponent has 3x monsters faceup on the field)
  2. Believe in RNG and hope barrel dragon always hits the coin tosses XD very big RNG factor
  3. I find 2x Ghost Cyclone and 1x Combusiton Crisis is nice. However; those 3x cards can be replace whatever you wish! (Combustion crisis is because i kept vs Dragons or/and Noodle)
  4. Mirror Innovator is really nice (can see this as 2-3) however; gotta think if you wanna make it HUGE or attack a FD with pierce! (usually i like to try to send back Bicorn or a lv 7 machine monster if i am going with pierce)

IF have any other ques; feel free to leave comment(s) <3

Good luck Rush/Speed Duelists to KoG and the WCS :D

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Replays (vs 7Accel Roads) (maxoverlord) (Vs Lighting/Thunder)