Phantom Knights

King of Games from on June 22nd, 2024
Gems 42k + $148
22 cards

Notes & Combos

  • Post nerf, ouroboros for the hand rip turn 1
  • Droplet wins games on its own (I'd play 3 if I had), decimated full boards with multiple negates with this
  • Had a 13 streak from leg 2 to 5 with 3 lancea, but after losing to BE a couple times I swapped them for 3 MSTs
  • Compulse surprised a lot of people, one agent player completely threw lethal because of it lmao
  • Also played 1 phoenix for the break sword, useful for outing a summon breaker but the 3rd xyz comes up a lot for me. (If phoenix I'd also run crackdown)
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vs pk (mirror)