
King of Games from on March 13th, 2023
Gems 59.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

25 consecutive wins with Metalfoes. The second half of the streak is included in the replays.

30 cards with Qli engine and Pendulum Change: Basic has been the standard for a while, since the deck is hyper-consistent as long as we don't see the bricks, and we obviously play as many free plusses as we can.

I wanted to try Luster Pendulum in this deck since it has been unlimited pretty much just so Metalfoes could use it, but I was doing well with this list so I stuck to it. Maybe I will try some variants with Luster in the future.

Extra deck can be improved, I never summoned the 2nd Orichalc and going into Adamante was also a rare occurrence. Possible options that I couldn't experiment with are the Security Dragon package, 3rd Mithrillium or Giant Hand.

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Replays compilation with timestamps: