
King of Games from on March 27th, 2024
Gems 25.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Last zombie support without the new skill!!! Have at it. Only 1 structure deck needed.

The zombie traps are so useful to survive for next turn and to recycle resources for follow up. Moreover, with zombie world on the field they can help as disruptions and graveyard control (So needed in this meta).

I decided to not use the new skill.

Ultimate Fusion = super poly + zombie world = Fuse Necro dragon with opponent's monsters.

Bricks like any deck, but if you manage to survive, this build can have an insane follow up.

Tried to maximize the millers that are available (I miss grass is greener)

Enjoy :)

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  4. https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0652b5c69fcfb981a11aee83aaa5306045be77bab4
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