Battlin' Boxer

King of Games from on March 25th, 2025

Notes & Combos

Using the power of math, i was able to come up with this build of the deck which focuses on having 1 Boxer in hand and 2~3 non engine cards that are good going 1st and 2nd those being veiler, chalice, book, MST and the MVP card Crackdown, Climbing was super easy as I genuinely think this is a slept on Tier 1 deck I've had multiple 12+ winstreaks, decks like HERO, Lyrilusc, Shaddoll, Windwitch, Sky Striker and any Fleur deck literally got no game against this deck and the hardest decks I faced were Predaplant and the mirror.

Feel free to discuss any tech cards I may have missed and see you next month <3

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