
King of Games from on March 19th, 2025
Gems 49.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Constellars are a bit dated in this meta: it requires 2 cards to start the combo, the skill does not give any card advantage when going second, and if interrupted you have no recovery options, making this climb very frustrating. If you do manage to setup your full endboard (typically Pleiades, Omega, and 1 backrow) you can hold your own against the meta decks, but with handtraps and broken skills abound (ahem Dragonic Contact) it's typically very hard to end up with this ideal endboard, not to mention you'll brick more often than the meta decks due to requiring a 2 card combo and not having any consistency built into your skill like with Salads. To counter this I included some cards that're a lot more situational on going first/second but a ton more powerful than typical staples (dark hole, dimensional fissure, drowning mirror force, exciton knight) in order to swing matchups my way; in the wrong situation they're suboptimal or bricks, but in the right situation they singlehanded guarantee victory. When the deck does get going though it is quite fun, as since most of the deck's effects return cards to the hand, you avoid triggering any destruction, graveyard, or floating effects from monsters which counters a lot of decks hard.


Some helpful tips:

  • To end up with your full ideal endboard you'd typically need these 3 cards in hand/field (Sombre, Pollux/Leonis, Zubeneschamali), so what cards you decide to pitch into the GY with your skill with depend on how you want to accomplish this, e.g.:
    • Rasalhague + Sombre: pitch Zubeneschamali and Leonis in the GY
    • Sombre + Pollux/Leonis: pitch Zubeneschamali and Rasalhague in the GY
  • Pollux is an activated effect when normal summoned and Leonis a persistent effect as long as Leonis is face up on the field, be careful of this when doing your summons
  • When going first, it's possible to activate Star Chart twice to draw twice if you summon Pleiades, draw from Star Chart, return Star Chart to hand and reactivate, then summon a second Constellar XYZ. Incredibly important for getting as much backrow as you can
  • Since detaching XYZ materials and pitching cards into the GY with our skill doesn't count as "sending monsters to the graveyard", dimensional fissure doesn't affect Constellars but does cripple our opponent if they rely on GY effects, making this an incredible first turn card
  • Any Constellar XYZ with Caduceus as a material can banish any Light or Dark monster it battles before damage calculation (catches a ton of opponents off guard bc ofc no one reads)
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