Notes & Combos
Made one game-winning misplay on a KOG rank-up then got stuck at Gold 5 for over a week. IMO, haven't felt this frustrated with the meta since Agent meta in Speed. F2P is cool, but Gaia meta has felt the worst to play against out of everything in Rush.
Anywho, main changes was more focus on summoning monsters, with more Attrashoot Hydron to tank damage against Gaia. Also, Dark Femtron over Connector Dog because TECHNICALLY, it is better in the Voidvelg matchup. Other than that, not much has changed.
Got lucky with my rank-up games though, so finally I can stop playing Rush for now. Hopefully, Gaia gets nerfed to only be a Gaia skill and not be a pierce-centric deck that also attack directly for 3200.
VS Gias
VS Gias (again)
VS Psychic
VS Wyrms