King of Games from on March 28th, 2025
Gems 49.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

I've been waiting for D/D/D support for years now — I reached KoG multiple times with D/D/D in 2022 (May, July, August, September, and December seasons) and 2023 (March and July seasons) so I'm ecstatic we finally got some new cards and a new skill to boot 🤩 It holds a special place in my heart since it was the first deck I made when I came back to the game after a 2 year hiatus 🥲

I went on a 13 win streak from Legend 2 to Legend 5 with this deck!

I adjusted my build a couple times during my climb but happy with how it is now. You can see the first turn combo in the comments.

Card Choices
  • Doom King Armageddon allows both part of the skills to activate to search a monster and if scaled, it can set a Dark Contract from deck.
  • Swirl Slime forms part of the turn 1 combo and can help turn 2 to easily summon High King Genghis so you have a backrow negate before you start your plays.
  • Lamia allows you to synchro summon into Siegfried but also Xyz summon Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin with another Level 1 monster (usually Kepler).
  • D.D. Crow works as a tech option but also synergises with the skill since you can reveal any Level 1 monster to get your search. Hence, Veiler/Droll even Kiteroid could also work!
  • Ragnarok synergises with Swirl Slime banish effect to summon itself and then another D/D/D monster from the GY for Rank 8 plays. Also, it can tribute a D/D monster (even facedown) on the field to banish an opponent's monster which plays around destruction protection.
  • Dog can be searched turn 2 via Gate then scaled to negate a problematic Extra Deck monster (except Link). I used it during my climb to out Exciton Knight.
  • Necro Slime forms a key part of the main combo so best to run at 2-3 copies.
  • Kepler can search Dark Contracts and works with Lamia to summon Formula Synchron or Blue Robin.
  • I used Savant Thomas infrequently but the idea was on turn 3 you could scale it to add Kepler back to hand, then either summon Kepler or scale it to enable a Pendulum summon. Its monster effect allows you to destroy a scale to summon another Level 8 from deck so you can go into Rank 8 plays.
  • Gate should be run at 3 for consistency.
  • Swamp King is good at 1 to facilitate fusion plays.
  • Witch can be set via the skill on turn 2 and can remove disruption before you commit to your plays.
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  • I misclicked and didn't activate Kepler's effect on turn 2 which cost me exact lethal but still managed to turn it around by setting the pendulum scales! ⚖️ Also, on my first turn, I should have used the skill to search Necro Slime before summoning Kepler which would have opened up further plays.